Gender sensitive education project

“Towards gender sensitive education” is a three-year long project implemented by five organisations from three EU countries in a strategic partnership. The project addresses the issue of gender diversity in classroom. The main objective is to enhance gender sensitivity of current and future teachers.

We aim to support our schools in providing inclusive classroom environments where girls and boys can develop their competencies in a safe and welcoming atmosphere without the pressure of strong gender stereotypes.

Multiplier events at ELTE

ELTE organized two multiplier events presenting the intellectual outputs of the project. The first one addressed teacher trainers in the form of an online workshop after the presentation of the intellectual outputs.…


On September 9, 2020 Claudia Schneider from Verein EfEU held an information seminar for Austrian stakeholders of the education system at the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research in Vienna. Einladung-und-Programm_Towards-Gender-Sensitive-Education-am-09-09-2020-im-BMBWF…

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