Dissemination On September 9, 2020 Claudia Schneider from Verein EfEU held an information seminar for Austrian stakeholders of the education system at the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research in Vienna. Einladung-und-Programm_Towards-Gender-Sensitive-Education-am-09-09-2020-im-BMBWF On September 22, 2020 GIC NORA organised a seminar for experts which was devoted to the topic of gender sensitive education. Inspite of current difficult circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic, the seminar took place in a physical form in the premises of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. Participants had inter alia the chance to test several concrete activities to be used in work with practising and future teachers in the field of gender sensitive education. Last but not least, Dorottya Rédai from a Hungarian partner organisation Eötvös Loránd University reflected on political and pedagogical approaches to gender sensitive education in Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. On October 16, 2020 Renate Tanzberger and Claudia Schneider from Verein EfEU held a public lecture at the University of Vienna to present the main findings of the TGSE project to an expert audience. This event took place in cooperation with the Center for Teacher Education. Wege zu einer geschlechtersensiblen Bildung_16102020