Farewell to the project

After more than three years of our joint international cooperation the project came to its end. Due to the pandemic we could not say goodbye to one another in person during the meeting foreseen to take place in Budapest. Instead we had to satisfy ourselves with virtual thanks and goodbyes. What a peculiar project end!

The cooperation among two universities (Masaryk University, Eötvös Loránd University) and three NGOS (Verein EfEU, Hungarian Women’s Lobby, Gender Information Centre NORA) proved to be very fruitful and successful. Our outputs exceed by far in scope and quality the expectations originally stated in the project application. The project brought us difficult moments but also joint bursts of laughter and above all precious moments of mutual learning.

Lastly, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who helped us in the project implementation- be it participants of pilot courses or those who took part in our multiplier events.