GENDER SENSITIVE EDUCATION – Focus on curricula On October 22, 2020 a webinar called GENDER SENSITIVE EDUCATION – Focus on curricula took place. It was organised by two members of the project consortium (namely by the Gender Information Centre NORA and Hungarian Women´s Lobby) together with the Dutch-speaking Council of Women of Belgium – Vrouwenraad. The webinar attracted the attention of about 40 participants from different parts of Europe. In their contribution Réka Sáfrány (Hungarian Women´s Lobby) with Kateřina Hodická (GIC NORA) presented all key outputs of the Towards Gender Sensitive Education project such as the Comparative report, 5 videos and Handbook for teacher trainers. They also informed the audience about ideas that had led to the project initiation. Importantly, tips on how to deal with resistance in the courses of gender sensitive education were offered by Réka Sáfrány who is herself an experienced teacher. The participants were also acquainted with three Belgian examples of best practices. Vera Cortese from the Belgian network for Gender Studies Sophia spoke about the French-speaking network Genre & ESNU. This network brings together people who are active at the colleges of higher education of the French-speaking community and who are committed to gender and diversity issues. Hilde Van Liefferinge and Els De Latter from Artevelde University of Applied Sciences presented the project Make your childcare, school or organisation genderproof. This project focuses on raising awareness of one’s own gender-stereotypical thinking and actions with the staff of childcare organisations and school teams in primary education, but also with children from 0 to 12 years and their parents. Last but not least, Leonie Nelissen from YMCA Antwerpen introduced the program Resilient in education for students from the second grade. The programme makes students reflect on their image of society and gender relations. The programme is implemented at schools in Antwerp and combines psychophysical exercises with social-emotional and cognitive tasks.