
Comparative report: Gender in national education documents and teaching resources, and in teachers’ pedagogical approaches and everyday teaching practices in Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary (PDF 3MB)

The report includes:

  • analysis of national education policy documents and teacher training curricula (in all involved countries)
  • analysis of focus groups with teachers, students, teacher trainers on the topic of gender in education (in all involved countries)
  • analysis of daily educational practices in selected schools (in the Czech Republic and Hungary)

A handbook for teacher trainers in the field of gender sensitive education

This publication introduces the best practices of the gender-sensitive courses which were held within the project and is designed to serve as a toolkit for teacher trainers and lecturers who aim to sensitize teachers and pre-service teachers to the topic of gender in education.

→ Towards Gender-Sensitive Education : A handbook for teacher trainers

→ Wege zu einer geschlechtersensiblen Bildung : Ein Handbuch für die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrer*innen

Cesta k genderově citlivému vzdělávání : Metodika pro ty, kdo pracují s budoucími nebo současnými učitelkami a učiteli

Nemek közötti egyenlőség pedagógiája a gyakorlatban : Képzői kézikönyv

In the course of the project 5 videos have come into existence. They were prepared by two video artists and animators Kateřina Hausenblasová and Tereza Peroutková from the Czech Republic. All the below listed videos are available in 4 languages, namely in English, German, Hungarian and Czech.

Career Counselling
The video depicts a situation in which a career counsellor is not able to respect individual choices of students. Their preferences for a profession are not in line with traditional ideas of feminine/masculine professions.
The video can trigger discussion about the role of a career counsellor at schools and their impact on pupils´/students´ career choices. It can also incite a reflection on the importance of decisions based on individual preferences.

Double Standard
The video shows a situation where a teacher reacts differently to a female and male pupils’ participation and activity in classes and thus in fact brings about passivity and disinterest on the part of a girl.
It can be a starting point of discussion about the impact of teachers’ actions on pupils.

Homophobic Bullying
The video depicts acts of homophobic bullying at school and its emotional effects on a victim.
The video can trigger discussion about the role of teachers and peers in preventing and stopping homophobic bullying, about caring for victims of such violence and also about masculinity.

Sexual Harassment
A female student is harassed at school by her male schoolmates. The film depicts two different reactions of teachers to such behaviour and shows also consequences of these two different attitudes to sexual harassment.
The video can open up discussion about possible ways of interventions by teachers in situations of sexual harassment at school.

Parallel Scene: This Way or That Way

The video shows a girl walking through a school building and noticing discrimination and gender stereotypes. The girl changes – through the power of her thoughts – the school environment. What she wants is a supportive environment for all pupils.
The video can be a starting point of discussion about how to make school a place with as little discrimination and stereotyping as possible.


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