Geschlechtsspezifische Bildungsfragen / Gleichstellung von Mädchen und Buben (Gender-specific issues in education / equality of girls and boys)

Website of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research with important informations about gender and education. (website)

Publikationen des Vereins EfEU (Publications of the association EfEU)

↪ Literature references (theoretically and practically) about gender and education (website)

Dissens – Institut für Bildung und Forschung

Interventionen für geschlechtliche und sexuelle Vielfalt (Interventions for Gender and Sexual Diversity)

↪ A German website that offers material to support organisations to work towards the acceptance of gender and sexual diversity and the reduction of discrimination (website)

Verein Amazone et al. (2013)

mach es gleich. (do it right now)

↪ A teaching and learning booklet on the topic of gender and school, for working with pupils from the age of 12 (online resource)

Schneider, C., Tanzberger, R. & Traunsteiner, B. (2011)

Unterrichtsprinzip Erziehung zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern. Informationen und Anregungen zur Umsetzung ab der 5. Schulstufe (Educational principle “Education to Equality between Women and Men”. Information and suggestions for implementation from the 5th grade onwards)

↪ A Booklet on coeducation, gender-sensitive education, diversity and individualization, language, textbook analysis, career orientation and life planning, interaction and communication, violence prevention, media literacy and with many practical suggestions for school subjects. (online resource)

Guggenberger, D. (2017)

Der lange Weg. Von der Mädchenbildung zu Gender und Diversität. Ein halbes Jahrhundert Schulpolitik zur Gleichstellung von Mädchen und Burschen in Österreich (A long way. From girls’ education to gender and diversity. Half a century of education policy for gender equality in Austria)

↪ 800 pages describing the situation of equality policy in Austrias schools from 1962 onwards (book)

Glockentöger, I. & Adelt, E. (Eds.) (2017)

Gendersensible Bildung und Erziehung in der Schule. Grundlagen – Handlungsfelder – Praxis. Beiträge zur Schulentwicklung. (Gender-sensitive education at school. Basics – Fields of Action – Practice. Contributions to school development.)

↪ A Anthology that contains both scientific and practice-oriented contributions that deal with the different perspectives on gender-sensitive education in school. (Book)

Dissens e.V. & Debus, K. (Eds.) (2012)

Geschlechterreflektierende Arbeit mit Jungen an der Schule. Texte zu Pädagogik und Fortbildung rund um Jungenarbeit, Geschlecht und Bildung (Gender reflective work with boys in schools. Texts on education and training about boy’s work, gender, and education )

↪ Anthology about boy’s work, girl’s work, queer, intersex, intersectionality and other topics. (online resource)

Jarkovská, L. (2013)

Gender před tabulí: Etnografický výzkum genderové reprodukce v každodennosti školní třídy (Gender in front of a Schoolboard: Etnographic Research of Gender Reproduction in Everyday Class)

↪ The work is a result of an ethnographic research in the classroom. The research focused on the reproduction of gender in an everyday life of a school team. The book strives to capture it at different levels: at the level of everyday interactions (doing gender), at the level of discourse and placement of individuals within the discourse, and at the level of individual identities and meanings that the children themselves attribute to gender. It is based on an ethnomethodological perspective and is inspired by post-structural studies of childhood and gender. (Book)

Skálová, H. (Ed.) (2008)

Genderovou optikou: zaměřeno na český vzdělávací systém (Gender Glasses: Focused on the Czech Educational System)

↪ Publication focusing on gender aspects of education in the Czech Republic. Its main objective is to point out that the education system is not gender-neutral, to offer a reflection of the current situation and present examples of best practices and recommendations on what and how we should improve in the future. (booklet)

Babanová, A. & Miškolci, J. (Eds.)

Genderově citlivá výchova: Kde začít (Gender Sensitive Education: Where to Start from).

↪ Manual for teachers of primary and secondary schools. It identifies an influence of gender stereotypes on our behaviour, thinking and actions. It presents in a comprehensive way gender and gender sensitive education. (manual)

Babanová, A.

Strategie genderové citlivosti pro vyučující (Strategies of gender sensitivity for teachers).

↪ A Czech pedagogue and gender expert A. Babanova defines key principles of gender sensitive education.

Smetáčková, I. (Ed.) (2007)

Příručka pro genderově citlivé vedení škol (Manual for a Gender Sensitive School Management)

↪ The aim of the manual is to increase gender sensitivity of directors at primary and secondary schools. Individual chapters present a gender perspective in various areas of school life. (manual)

Kolářová, J. (Ed.) (2014)

Volba povolání bez předsudků (Choice of Professions without Prejudices). Praha: Gender Studies.

↪ Manual on how to run a project day connecting career education and equal opportunities for boys and girls. The manual aims to increase a range of career choices boys and girls consider. (manual)

Jarkovská, L. (2005)

Rovné příležitosti dívek a chlapců ve vzdělávání (Equal Opportunities of Boys and Girls in Education). Brno: NESEHNUTÍ Brno.

↪ The publication is to serve as a tool for teachers who would like to create and promote equal opportunities for girls and boys in tuition. The publication informs inter alia about roots of gender inequality.

Slavík, L. (2018)

Gender a genderově senzitivní pedagogika optikou českých škol a vyučujících (Gender and Gender- sensitive Pedagogy through Lenses of Czech Schools and Teachers). Brno: Genderové informační centrum NORA.

↪ This research study captures significant gender aspects of Czech primary and secondary education with an emphasis on approaches of teachers towards gender and gender sensitive education.

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